This Is The Worst Time To Ask For A Credit Limit Increase

If you’ve recently opened up new lines of credit or already requested higher credit limits from other lenders, that’s not going to send a vote of confidence to your issuer. Lenders could conclude that you’re entering a financial emergency and need additional credit just to pay your bills. Whenever a new account is opened, the

The Best Time Of Year To Look For A Rental Property

During the late-spring and summer, there’s typically a lot of lifestyle changes occurring. Families with children will want to leave their old dwelling after the previous school year ends, but be settled in by the time the new school year begins. Older students are also involved in the shuffle, with high schoolers moving to college

When Is The Best Time To Book Flight Tickets If You Want A Deal?

According to a recent study by that analyzed almost one billion transactions, the best time to pull the trigger on airfare to your dream destination is, on average, 70 days prior to the departure date. But that doesn’t mean you should only check fares on that exact date — what CheapAir calls the “Prime Booking

When’s The Best Time Of Year To Buy A New House?

Per ATTOM — which has analyzed more than 51 million single-family transactions since 2011 — May is the worst month for scoring a bargain. The term “spring selling season” exists for a reason and the period between April and June has traditionally supported premium prices for sellers based on several factors. Advertisement One of the biggest influences is