11 Things That’ll Tank Your Credit Score

Obviously, missing a payment is detrimental to your efforts to create a good credit history. A missed payment, if left for long enough, will be reported to credit bureaus and linger over your future credit health. Missed payments are one of the most visible forms of breaking your agreement to repay a loan, and if

What’s The Highest Possible Credit Score And How Can You Get It?

Now that you’re aware of how your credit score is measured, let’s find out the scoring system and how you can get the best results possible. When you look up your own personal credit score, you’ll notice you’re assigned a three-digit number representing your rating. This number system ranges from 300 to 850. The Fair

Does Your Credit Score Really Drop If You Check It?

Even though many jobs or companies might look into your credit, hard inquiries are generally limited to a few situations. Hard inquiries are mainly used if you apply for a loan, credit card, phone, or utility, or if a landlord pulls your credit for a rental application. These can, and will, negatively impact your credit