Don’t Spend More Than This Much Of Your Income On A Vacation

If you’re looking for a simpler way to figure out how much you’ll have to spend for vacation annually, a common rule of thumb is 5% to 10% of your net (after taxes and other withholdings) income. For an earner with net income of $40,000 per year, that’s $2,000 to $4,000 to spend on vacation, which

Don’t Spend More Than This Much Of Your Income On Rent

If you’re just starting out in the adult world and have no idea how to manage your finances, the 30% rule is a great place to start. This tried and true method can help you determine where you should move, if you should have roommates, and how to divvy up the rest of your expenses.

You Don’t Need A College Degree To Work These 30 High-Paying Jobs

While often undersold, policing offers another career path that doesn’t require a degree but can still provide workers with a solid salary, benefits, and pension. While the national average sits at $67,600, the salary average fluctuates between states, with cops in Nevada earning $73,660 versus cops in California earning $105,220. However, if you’re interested in

Don’t Pay Your Rent With A Credit Card. Here’s Why

Although many credit cards reward purchases with lucrative cash-back awards, airline miles, store credits, or hotel points, the value of those rewards is very rarely generous enough to offset the extra fees for using the card to pay rent. There are a few exceptions. One scenario is if a travel rewards card offers a large