In the same way that investment professionals can be exceedingly useful in some market segments and asset classes and less so in others, these features are true for investors in different phases of their lives, as well. A young investor, for example, seeks to maximize growth potential because their investment portfolio will continue to grow for many years or even decades. Older investors who are nearing retirement or already in this phase will want a different type of portfolio management style. These types of investors are looking to increase dividend payments, infuse increasing stability into their holdings, and chase after other, similar priorities.
The specific needs of your investment portfolio can have a serious impact on the specific financial advisor that you choose to work with in advancing these goals. Some financial advisors may be suited to a retired person who wants to maintain cash assets and dividend-creating potential in order to facilitate their lifestyle. These types of savers aren’t looking for extreme growth but rather want to protect the principle of their investment so that it can continue creating dividend income and providing a stable platform for future plans.
Younger investors will seek higher degrees of risk in order to gain the upside potential that comes along with it. Depending on the specific experience and user profile of the typical investor served by a financial advisor, you may be at an advantage or disadvantage with particular options in the marketplace.